A small update this time. A visitor named Marco send me a great addition for the new advertising page. Thanks Marco!
It is a pretty interesting flyer that came with Konami's Space Manbow, the great shoot 'em up. It seems a very early advertisment of our beloved game, since it is dated 1989
and the artwork of the title is not as we see it in the final version.
I am currently working on the complete story of SD-Snatcher, so stay make sure to visit this site again.
section: Advertising
While being busy with Cipher (amongst too many other things), I thought it was about time to get a new SD-Snatcher related update to keep you busy.
You can soon expect an update of the Cipher progress page as well, so stay tuned.
in the Miscellaneous section:
It's photo-time again. Yesterday, there was another cool MSX-fair/meeting in Oss in the Netherlands.
It was a fun day where I was able to give a demonstration of Cipher at the booth of The MSX Resource Center.
Thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity guys!
in the Fairs & Meetings section:
For some time, I have been busy to create a new MSX rpg using Dante-2.
Because things are really getting somewhere, I decided to go public with it.
The name of the game is Cipher and you can find screenshots and information about it right here.
BTW: Recently people have contacted me that they are working on possible updates for this site (concerning SD-Snatcher, of course).
It would be cool to have some real on-topic updates on this site as well, so contact me again please.
Today was the day of another nice MSX fair in Bussum. Just like last year, I took some pictures.
Thank you for all your nice compliments! Please keep sending
your comments and suggestions.
Ok then... one week of time for some updates!
First, I have added several nice MSX or SD-Snatcher related sites to my links page.
But there is more. From now on, you can find full transcripts of the endsequence and enddemo in the miscellaneous section.
I think it goes without saying that these pages contain HUGE spoilers.
So, for all of you who still haven't played SD-Snatcher (how many of you are there?), be cautious before viewing these new pages.
A few additions again and some MAJOR improvements!!!
I am very proud to present you the new domain for this site. Besides the url change, there will be no more annoying banners!
Furthermore, the bandwidth has been expanded as well. Is that cool or what?
in the Miscellaneous section:
The 24th of april 2004 was the day of the MSX Fair in Tilburg.
I have taken some pictures during the fair which you can see here.
A visitor of this site by the name of Valken, decided to create some missing maps for this site.
Of course this is appreciated a lot, although I am working on things myself as well.
in the Maps section:
First of all: HAPPY NEWYEAR!
When I first started this site, I tried to create as many as possible maps for SD-Snatcher consisting of screenshots.
Very much awaited maps, were the maps of the Mirror House. Because it takes quite a lot of time to create these,
I decided to put scanned drawn maps of it online, which were rather ugly, but still usable to find your way through the Mirror House.
Now, I am proud to present the REAL Mirror House maps!
Go check them out in the new Mirror House Page.
I hope you all keep visiting this site, as you did last year. Happy MSX-gaming!
in the Miscellaneous section:
The Mirror House page
Want to improve your skills in battle mode? Visit the new section!
in the Miscellaneous section:
The Battle Technique page
Hey, an update! That was about time don't you think?
First, I want to thank all visitors for the compliments they sent me. It really encourages me to continue this site.
About the update: In the Miscellaneous section you can find the brand new Sound & Music page. Go check it out, I think you'll like it.
in the Miscellaneous section:
The Sound & Music page
Go visit my new sale/trade page! I have some nice hardware to offer. Really off-topic, I know.
But trust me, there WILL be many SD-Snatcher updates in the near future...
If only I had the time or motivation to put the material online... ;)
I have added another real spoiler page. It covers the death of Gibson... hmmm I think you knew that already did you?
As this site is full of spoilers, I guess it is not a good idea to visit it too often if you are planning to play the game for the first time.
Huh? What am I saying? Maybe it is a good idea to explore this site, as I am sure it will encourage you to play the game.
in the Miscellaneous section:
The death of Gibson
For the first time I visited the MSX Fair in Bussum this year.
You can find a few pictures (mostly of team Bomba ;)) I took here.
Another week, another update: I have done some cosmetic changes and there are a few additions.
First, there is a picture of poor Cathreena in the character section,
and second, there are three new maps of the Skull Spider building.
Well then, there you go. Finally a nice frameset on this webpage.
I hope you like it and that it will improve navigation through this site.
I still have a lot of plans to improve this site. There is a lot of material to add,
like more metal creatures (including the Master Snatcher!).
I Also want to create a music-section,
because the great music and the SCC+ really deserve being present on a site like this.
Furthermore, there are still some maps to add. I am currently working on the SkullSpiderBuilding.
In the same setup as the new Center Plaza explored page,
I am working on a page covering South Downtown, including the Casino with it's nice slot machines,
another Joy division and the CD-building.
If you have any comments, suggestions or ideas for this site,
feel free to send me an email (see adress below).
It would be great to get some feedback from you.
All the new maps will be in the PNG-format from now on and, yes I know,
I still have to replace some of the older maps which are in the ugly JPG-format.
Since this is a hobby-project, it is possible there won't be any updates from time to time.
So if you are waiting for a particular item to be added, please be patient.